coaching for career orientation
Since 2007, we have had a career guidance coach working at HMS as part of the Handlungskonzept Praxis, Lebensplanung und Schule project (HK PluS – Action Plan for Practice, Life Planning and School). This coach works in the Flex Classes with pupils from Years 9 to 11.
The project is implemented by the federal government of Schleswig-Holstein and is provided in almost every school in Lübeck.
The career guidance coach helps pupils recognise their strengths, interests and abilities, set goals for their personal and profession futures and to manifest them step by step.
Pupils can take part in a potential analysis so they can get to know their strengths in extra-curricular settings.
The career guidance coach helps pupils find appropriate work experience, establishes contacts, e.g. for career guidance from the Job Centre,
and helps them write applications for apprenticeships, vocational college or a voluntary year.
Parents are also able to get advice from the coach on the many paths
their children can take as they leave school to enter the world of work.