Things to know about our secondary school
We have two to three classes per year group in our secondary school. With an average class size of 24 pupils, our school has a familiar atmosphere and a manageable size. Teachers and pupils enjoy a good relationship and everyone knows everyone. We are well-known in Lübeck for our Flex Classes.
Everything you need to know at a glance:
- Teams of teachers in Year 6 classes to help the “newbies” settle in
- Social and vocational training in the first half term for Year 6 classes
- An adventure trip in the second half term for Year 6 classes
- Multi-professional year-group teams
- Two work experience placements during secondary school
- One project week per year
- Elective courses from Year 8
- Before and after-school opening hours (option to take part in extracurricular activities)
- Digital schooling
- WiFi in all rooms
- 80 tablets
- 100 laptops
- Sit the exam for the Ersten allgemeinbildenden Schul-Abschlusses (ESA – First General Education Qualification)
- Sit the exam for the Mittleren Schul-Abschlusses (MSA – comparable with GCSE)
- Collaboration contract with the Baltic-Schule so that pupils who want to sit their Abitur exams (university entrance qualifications) can be accepted into the upper secondary school there if they achieve good enough grades in their MSAs.